UC Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies-JSPS SF Joint Symposium/カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウムを開催しました
日時:2023年3月3日(金)-3月4日 終日
場所: David Brower Center( 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 )
JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、2023年3月3日、3月4日の両日、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターと共催で国際シンポジウム「聖なる秘伝 – 日本宗教における秘伝口伝のネットワーク」を開催いたしました。(ハイブリッド開催)
On March 3rd and 4th, 2023, JSPS San Francisco Office co-hosted with Center for Japanese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, an international symposium entitled “Sacred Secrets: Networks of Secret Knowledge in Japanese Religions.” The symposium was held at David Brower Center and online.
The symposium invited scholars involved in the study of Japanese religions from Japan, the United States and Belgium to discuss the role of “secrecy” in Japanese religion, society, and culture, as well as their formation and decline, from a variety of perspectives. It included seven sessions, a keynote address, and a general discussion. The event was a success, with lively exchanges among the speakers and participants.
JSPS San Francisco Office will continue to hold joint symposia on a regular basis in the future.
Opening remarks by JSPS DirectorOpening remarks by JSPS Director
Session by Prof. Satoshi Ito, Professor Emeritus Paul Groner, Prof. Hiroki Kikuchi and Prof.Mark L. Blum
[Event]UC Berkeley, Center for Japanese Studies-JSPS SF Joint Symposium/【開催案内】カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウムの開催について
On March 3rd and 4th, the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), the University of California(UC), Berkeley and JSPS San Francisco hold a joint international symposium titled “Sacred Secrets: Networks of Secret Knowledge in Japanese Religions”.
Date:March 3rd (Fri), 4th(Sat)
Venue: David Brower Center( 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 )
This symposium brings together scholars working on a wide range of topics in the context of Japanese religions to discuss secrecy from different perspectives and methodologies. The aim of this event is to draw attention to the role of secrecy and better illuminate the dynamics underlying the process of “secretization,” the mobility of secrecy, as well as the factors that marked the decline of the culture of secrecy.
This is a hybrid event. If you’d like to participate in the symposium via Zoom, please register here.
For more details on this event, please visit the following website:
Event detail
We are looking forward to seeing you there.
JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、2023年3月3日、3月4日の両日、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターと共催で国際シンポジウム「聖なる秘伝 – 日本宗教における秘伝口伝のネットワーク」を開催いたします。(ハイブリッド開催)
会場:David Brower Center( 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 )
Joint Symposium on Life Science, Computational Science, and Structural Engineering Between Kobe University and UC San Diego
UC San Diego and KOBE University will hold a symposium co-sponsored by JSPS.
Date: November 18, 2019
Location: Conference Room, Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior, UC San Diego
1:00 – 1:10 Welcome from Organizers
1:10 – 1:30 Opening Remarks
Prof. Miroslav Krstic, Senior Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Research, UC San Diego
Prof. Matsuto Ogawa, Executive Vice President for Research and Industry-University Cooperation, Kobe University
Introduction of the participants
1:30 –2:45 Collaborative Research in Life Science
Importance of diacylglycerol kinase alpha activation via 67KDa laminin receptor in the vitamin E induced improvement of nephropathy, Prof. Yasuhito Shirai, Pharmacology, Kobe University
Protein Kinase C Signaling, Prof. Alexandra Newton, Pharmacology, UC San Diego
How Enzymes Act on Membranes Based on Lipidomics and Computational Approaches, Prof. Edward Dennis, Chemistry, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, UC San Diego
2:45 – 3:35 Collaborative Research in Computational Science
Extracting Neural Dynamics Based on Computational and Data-driven Approaches, Prof. Toshiaki Omori, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Kobe University
Architecture of SDSC Supercomputers and Computational Science Simulations, Prof. Amitava Majumdar, SDSC and Radiation Medicine & Applied Sciences, UC San Diego
3:35 – 3:50 Coffee/Tea Break
3:50 – 5:30 Collaborative Research in Structural Engineering
Challenges of Kobe University for Resilience of Infrastructure by collaborations with University of California, San Diego, Prof. Hideo Fujitani, Architectural Engineering, Kobe University
Advancing Design and Performance Assessment of Concrete Structures for Seismic Resiliency, Prof. Benson Shing, Structural Engineering, UC San Diego
Real-time Hybrid Test System of Seismic Response Control using AMD, Prof. Yoichi Mukai, Architectural Engineering, Kobe University
Response of Seismically Isolated Structures Subjected to Beyond Design Basis Shaking, Prof. Gilberto Mosqueda, UC San Diego
5:30 – 5:40 Closing remarks (Kobe and UCSD representatives)
6:00 – 8:00 Reception & Dinner for Speakers and Guests
JSPS SF 15th Anniversary Event “World Premier Research in Japan” サンフランシスコ研究連絡センター設立15周年記念イベント “World Premier Research in Japan”を開催しました。
On January 24 and 25, JSPS San Francisco (JSPS SF) held the symposium, “World Premier Research in Japan” at University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University. This event commemorated JSPS SF’s 15th anniversary while also highlighting Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s (MEXT) World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).
Since its establishment in 2003, JSPS SF has been supporting exchange between Japanese and American researcher communities. This includes holding various academic symposia and acting as a hub for the West Coast offices of many Japanese universities and their networking activities. With the recent emphasis on interdisciplinary research and research at scale, the exchange of ideas and brainpower between institutions and countries is now more essential than ever. Throughout its 15-year history, JSPS SF has strived to provoke creativity and innovation with its symposia. These events also provide US-based researchers with opportunities to network and strengthen ties with scholars from Japan (JSPS SF 15th Anniversary milestones (co-organaized symposia in the US)).
In celebration of JSPS SF’s 15th anniversary, four WPI Centers (Kavli IPMU, AIMR, I2CNER and ITbM), presented some of their research to audiences at UC Berkeley and Stanford University. The WPI Centers are examples of highly internationalized research institutions with best–in-class research achievements. The two-day event had a total of 110 attendees, including researchers, students and individuals from the private sector.
Following JSPS Governing Director Mr. Noriyoshi Masuko and JSPS SF Director Dr. Toru Tamiya’s opening remarks, Consul-General of Japan in San Francisco Mr. Tomochika Uyama, Director of the US-Asia Technology Management Center at Stanford University Dr. Richard Dasher (A WPI’s Program Committee member since 2007) and President of JUNBA (Japanese University Network in the Bay Area) Mr. Tomohisa Koyama gave congratulatory addresses. Dr. Dasher emphasized the competitive selection process under which the WPI centers were established and how these institutes empower young researchers starting out in their careers.
The presentations from the WPI centers covered a wide variety of fields such as astrophysics, materials science, energy and biology. The WPI Directors introduced their centers while other representatives from the centers introduced some of their research. In addition to introducing their impressive achievements, the institutes elaborated on their internationalized research environments and efforts to strengthen interdisciplinary research. Presentations were made by Kavli IPMU’s Dr. Hitoshi Murayama (Founding Director) and Dr. Khee-Gan Lee (Project Assistant Professor), AIMR’s Dr. Motoko Kotani (Director) and Dr. Tomoteru Fukumura (Professor), I2CNER’s Dr. Petros Sofronis (Director) and Dr. Toshinori Matsushima (Associate Professor), and ITbM’s Dr. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, (Administrative Director) and Dr. Naoyuki Uchida (Designated Associate Professor) . Their presentations covered topics such as collaboration with universities and researchers in the US, the creation of new materials, technology transfer, and practical applications to the medical and agricultural fields. They drew a sizable audience from Silicon Valley and the larger San Francisco Bay Area who enjoyed expanding their networks during the Q&A sessions and networking receptions.
JSPS SF would like to thank the four participating WPI Centers, the Center for Japanese Studies, UC Berkeley, the US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University, Consulate-General of Japan in San Francisco, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) San Francisco Office and JUNBA, without whom this symposium would not have been possible.
1月24日:International House, Ida & Robert Sproul, University of California, Berkeley (2299 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94720)
1月25日:Paul G. Allen Building, 101X Auditorium, Stanford University (330 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305)
後援・協力:Center for Japanese Studies, University of California, Berkeley
US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University
サンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、センター設立15周年を記念し、世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム(WPI)の協力の下、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校及びスタンフォード大学においてJSPS SF 15th Anniversary Event「World Premier Research in Japan」を開催しました。
サンフランシスコ研究連絡センターは、2003年の設立以来、日本の大学の米国西海岸拠点ネットワークの事務局としてその活動を支援しながら、日米の学術交流・学術研究発展のために様々な学術イベントを企画、実施してきました。近年では、分野横断的な融合研究が重視されるようになり、国内外の研究機関が連携し、研究者交流や共同研究を推し進めていくことがこれまで以上に不可欠となっています。当センターは、設立以来15年間で主催・共催した多数の学術シンポジウムを通じ、米国を拠点とする研究者と日本の研究者とのネットワーク構築、関係強化の手助けをするとともに、新たなアイディアを呼び起こす触媒的な役割を担ってきました(JSPS SFにおける15年間の主な共催シンポジウム)。
今回のシンポジウムでは、日本で最も国際化が進み、かつ、高い研究成果を挙げている代表例であるWPI拠点から4拠点(Kavli IPMU、AIMR、I2CNER、ITbM)を御招きして講演をいただきました。当日は、研究者、学生、企業関係者を含め2日間で計110名の皆様に参加いただきました。
WPI拠点からの講演は、天文物理、材料科学、エネルギー、生物学など幅広い研究分野にわたっており、各拠点の世界的に卓越した研究成果や国際化された研究環境、融合研究の紹介に加え、主任研究者や若手研究者から実際の研究内容を紹介いただきました。Kavli IPMUからは村山斉初代拠点長とKhee-Gan Lee特任講師、AIMRからは小谷元子拠点長と福村知昭教授、I2CNERからはペトロス・ソフロニス拠点長と松島敏則准教授、ITbMからは松本剛事務部門長と打田直行特任准教授から講演いただきました。
最後になりますが、この場をお借りして、ご来場の皆様、WPI拠点の皆様、ご後援・ご協力いただいたCenter for Japanese Studies, University of California, Berkeley、US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University、在サンフランシスコ日本国総領事館、(独)日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)サンフランシスコ事務所、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア大学間連携ネットワーク(JUNBA)に改めて厚くお礼を申し上げます。
2018 CJS-JSPS International Symposium“Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US”
Technology has the potential to greatly improve access and allow for the full participation of disabled individuals in society. Both Japan and the US have invested considerable sums in this effort, but often research is conducted apart from key stakeholders.
To discuss these issues, JSPS San Francisco (JSPS) and the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) held a joint symposium titled “Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US” at the David Brower Center in Berkeley on December 7 and December 8.
This symposium brought technologists, anthropologists, engineers, activists, educators, and other researchers working at the nexus of technology, access, and design together for a two-day symposium in Berkeley, the home of the independent living movement. The majority of the participants identify as disabled people.
The symposium started with opening remarks from Dana Buntrock, Chair of CJS. Toru Tamiya, Director of JSPS SF, also gave some context and background to the theme presented by Dr. Karen Nakamura, the organizing chair from UCB.
Each speaker gave a 20 minute presentation on their current research. Afterwards the speakers took comments and questions from the audience. The symposium also included a screening of two documentary movies, “Deej” and “Fixed”. The director and casts of these films then participated in a panel discussion on its production.
Finally, Dr. Karen Nakamura, the organizing chair of the symposium, presented the “CripTech Manifesto version 0.1” arguing that the “CripTech movement” needs to be inclusive and take a holistic view of disability. Dr. Nakamura drew attention to three specific concepts relating to the event’s theme:
- One needs to understand disability’s intersections with poverty, gender, sexuality racialized minoritization, access to healthcare and housing along with the effects of trauma, war, and dislocation
- No one can understand or speak for all disabilities and no one can understand or speak for all variations of their own disability.
- We cannot deem some disabilities “bad” that are not discussed (addiction and fatness being two examples of marginalized groups within the disabled community).
The symposium was a successful collaboration between the research communities in Japan and the US and bodes well for the potential future joint efforts in this exciting and important field.
JSPS, San Francisco will continue to support such symposia while maintaining its close relationship with UCB and CJS.
JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム “Crip Tech: Disability, Technology, Architecture, and Design in Japan and the US”を2018年12月7日(金)、12 月8日(土)に開催しました。
The Symposium“Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Applications” in University of California, Los Angeles
On November 15 and 16, JSPS and UCLA cosponsored the symposium, “Harnessing Physical Forces for Medical Applications” in cooperation with Kyoto University, the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI), the David Geffen School of Medicine, and the Office of Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Affairs (ICCA).
The symposium brought researchers from both Japan and the U.S. to present their research and promote academic exchanges between the two countries. During the two day symposium participants discussed the convergence of physical sciences, nanomaterials, the nanobio interface and biomedical sciences. Dr. Fuyuhiko Tamanoi (UCLA/Kyoto University), the organizing chair, said the purpose of this symposium was to bring together scientists from diverse fields to discuss critical issues and translational potential while furthering cross pollination between disciplines.
The symposium covered some of the following topics:
- Physical forces: beams, particles, light, magnetic field, and sound.
- Physical forces and cancer therapy: boron neutron capture therapy, and monochromatic X-ray radiation.
- Imaging: MRI, PET, single molecule imaging, and cryoEM.
- Nanomaterials: Stimuli-responsive nanomaterials.
- How Physical force is used in biology: contractile nanotube system, and cell surface and membrane.
- How cells and organs interface with nanomaterials.
- New industry and commercial development: innovation, and medical instrumentation.
Throughout the two day event presenters took a variety of comments and questions. Hopefully the experience will provide researchers with food for thought and help inspire the future development of their research field going forward. JSPS will continue to support such academic symposia that helps strengthen international cooperative networks.
The Symposium “World Premier Research in Japan”(24,25 January 2019)
- About Event
Since its establishment in 2003, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science’s San Francisco Office (JSPS SF: http://www.jspsusa-sf.org/index.php) has been supporting exchange between the Japanese and American researcher communities while acting as a hub for Japanese universities’ West Coast offices and their networking activities. This 15th anniversary event is to highlight the achievements of the international research centers established by the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI). These globally visible research centers focus on a wide range of fields such as energy, chemistry, plant biology and astrophysics. This 15th anniversary event goes for two days. The program will be followed by networking receptions at the end of each day.
This event is FREE and open to the public. To register, click here
- Date & Venue
Day 1
Thursday, 24 January 2019 | 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
International House, University of California, Berkeley
2299 Piedmont Avenue Berkeley, CA 94720
Day 2
Friday, 25 January 2019 | 1:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Paul G. Allen Building, 101X Auditorium, Stanford University
330 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
Note: ・Networking reception will start 5:30 pm.
・The same program is planned on each date.
・The plan might be changed in the future.
- Participating Japanese Universities
Kavli IPMU | The University of Tokyo
“Cross-Disciplinary Research Center for Addressing the Origin and Evolution of the Universe”
AIMR | Tohoku University
“Aiming to Establish a Premier Research Center for Materials Science”
I²CNER | Kyushu University
“The Grand Highway for a Carbon-Neutral Energy Fueled World”
ITbM | Nagoya University
“Changing the World with Molecules: Synthetic Chemistry and Plant/Animal Biology”
- Topics | Speakers
(1) Kavli IPMU
– Kavli IPMU | Founding Director/Principal Investigator, Hitoshi Murayama
– Lyman-Alpha Forest Tomography: Mapping the Shadows of the Cosmic Web at High Noon | Project Assistant Professor, Khee‐Gan Lee
(2) AIMR
– Materials research in the digitalized society | Director/Principal Investigator, Motoko Kotani
– Oxide electronics: converting insulators into electronic materials | Professor/Principal Investigator, Tomoteru Fukumura
(3) I²CNER
– Engineering Carbon‐Neutral Energy Solutions and Cultural Bridges Across the Pacific | Director/Principal Investigator, Petros Sofronis
– Efficient and Stable Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells | Associate Professor, Toshinori Matsushima
(4) ITbM
– Institute of Transformative Bio‐Molecules (ITbM): Changing the World with Molecules | Administrative Director/ Designated Professor, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto
– A bump-and-hole strategy toward freehand manipulation of plant hormone signaling | Designated Associate Professor, Naoyuki Uchida
- Inquiries
Have questions about World Premier Research in Japan (JSPS)? Contact JSPS San Francisco. Email: webmaster@jspsusa-sf.org
Please RSVP on our event website: https://goo.gl/forms/eLllE3MirXpLRPrl1
The Symposium “AI and the Future of Society : A Global Approach to Understanding the Digital Disruption” in University of California, San Diego
JSPS and JFIT held a symposium “AI and the Future of Society: A Global Approach to Understanding the Digital Disruption” on April 27 and 28 in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, the German Institute for Japan Studies and several other organizations.
The conference brought together scholars from Japan, the U.S. and Germany, to explore the “state of the art” of social science thinking about the ongoing technological disruption, innovation, and national policy responses in different countries. The Conference was open to many different lines of inquiry, including:
- What are the new complexities of the men-machine relationship, ongoing societal challenges, and new issues such as job replacement or ethical priority rankings of self-driven cars or automated surgeons?
- How are large companies responding to the disruption: what are new business models, corporate strategies, or operations management and human resource practices?
- How should we think about new regulatory structures and global agreements, e.g. on privacy and cybersecurity, in the health sciences, or for robots and drones?
- What are the legal, ethical and societal challenges associated with the fast pace of technological change?
- What is the impact of these developments on innovation and entrepreneurship, including government policies and market responses such as newly emerging corporate innovation strategies?
The conference had a high degree of interdisciplinary exchange. We are pleased to see this event serve as the inaugural conference of a new research initiative on digitization and the future of society from a global perspective. JSPS will continue to support such academic symposia that helps strengthen international cooperative networks.
UC Berkeley CJS Symposium “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” カリフォルニア大学バークレー校との共催シンポジウムを開催しました
On February 24 and 25, JSPS San Francisco and the Center for Japanese Studies (CJS), University of California, Berkeley held a joint symposium on “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” at the International House in Berkeley.
The objective of this symposium was to bring together scholars of Japanese Studies from Japan and the US to discuss the future of Japan in academic communities. The symposium started with opening remarks by Professor Dana Buntrock, Chair of CJS, and Dr. Toru Tamiya, Director of JSPS San Francisco. More than 20 scholars came together to discuss five topics over the course of two days: “Cross-Cultural Exchanges: Study Abroad and Its Impact”, “Language Education and Where It Leads”, “Are Science, Technology, Engineering and Math a Part of Area Studies of Above it?”, “Media Gateways, Transnational Frames”, and “Area Studies Under Threat: How Will Japan be Taught in the Years Ahead?”. JSPS sponsored four session speakers: Professor Shingo Ashizawa, Toyo University, Professor Masayo Fujimoto, Doshisha University, Professor Mayumi Usami, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, and Professor Shunya Yoshimi, the University of Tokyo.
These sessions were followed by a keynote speech by Professor Patricia Steinhoff from the University of Hawaii. She shared her wealth of research experience with the participants and gave insight on the future of Japanese Studies in academic communities in the age of globalization.
JSPS San Francisco will continue to support such symposiums, and maintain a strong partnership with CJS.
JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校日本研究センターとの共催シンポジウム “New Topics, Technologies, & New Times: Japan Ahead” を2017年2月24日、25日に開催しました。
Stanford Symposium “Womenomics, the Workplace, and Women” スタンフォード大学との共催シンポジウムを開催しました
On November 4, JSPS Co-sponsored this year’s Stanford Silicon Valley U.S.-Japan Dialogue on the theme “Womenomics, the Workplace, and Women” held at Stanford University. The symposium was organized by Stanford University’s Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center ₍APARC₎ Japan Program in partnership with the Clayman Institute for Gender Research. The US-Japan Foundation ₍USJF₎ also co-sponsored the event.
The objective of this symposium was to bring up issues which women are facing when it comes to workforce mobility and discuss future efforts to make concrete progress for women’s leadership and participation in Japan.
The symposium featured distinguished speakers from a variety of sectors, including tech, government and education from both Japan and the U.S.
Opening remarks were given by Professor Takeo Hoshi, Director of Shorenstein APARC Japan Program, Stanford University, Mr. David Janes, Director of Foundation Grants, USFJ and Dr. Toru Tamiya, Director of JSPS San Francisco.
Twenty one speakers participated in four panel discussions: “Women in the Silicon Valley Ecosystem- Progress and Challenges,” “Women in the Japanese Economy- Progress and Challenges,” “Women’s Advancement in the Workplace” and “Work- Life Balance and Womenomics”. Professor Machiko Osawa of Japan Women’s University and Professor Nobuko Nagase of Ochanomizu Women’s University presented on employment trends of highly educated women and effects of labor relation on women’s mobility, respectively.
JSPSサンフランシスコ研究連絡センターでは、スタンフォード大学との共催シンポジウム “Womenomics, the Workplace, and Women” を2016年11月4日に開催しました。
2014年9月26日、27日の2日間、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校にて、同大学日本研究センターと本会の共催によるシンポジウム「Long-term Sustainability through Place-based, Small-scale economies(地域に根ざした小規模経済と長期的持続可能性)」を開催します。
シンポジウム「Early Modern Japanese Values and Individuality」を開催しました
日時 2013年8月28日(水)~8月30日(金)
場所 Asian Centre Auditorium & Seminar Room 604, UBC
主催 The University of British Columbia (UBC)、
共催 国際交流基金
日本から桂島宣弘 立命館大学教授、磯前順一 国際日本文化研究センター准教授、 Steele, William 国際基督教大学教授、小島康敬 国際基督教大学教授、遠藤潤 國學院大學准教授を講師とし、カナダ側からは14人もの講師をお招きして「Early Modern Japanese Values and Individuality」と題したシンポジウムを開催しました。3日間のプログラムを通して、江戸時代における社会的同質感に根付いた日本社会の価値観に対して、明治維新を契機とした個の確立と多様性から産まれた新しい価値観が現在の日本社会の成り立ちにどのように寄与したかにつき、日加米各国の研究者がそれぞれの研究分野の相互理解を通じて考察を深めました。